An award-winning 2D animated musical feature film that offers kids and family audiences an introduction to the mythological Indigenous Inuit goddess story of Sedna that has been passed down by elders and knowledge keepers through generations to enrich and enlighten all ages and stages. Our film introduces Sedna as a young hero who goes on an epic adventure and gets kidnapped by an evil Raven. She escapes on a kayak and winds up hurled to the bottom of the sea, transforming into a mermaid. While there, Sedna meets many sea characters, including Kay, a two-spirit friend who declares her to be Sedna, Empress of the Sea. The themes in the film explore diversity, inclusion, resilience, and courage, paired with an award-winning musical score, inspired by Disney classics. The film was developed by a story from the Director's grandmother that was told to him as a young boy. Produced, written and directed by JerryCo Animation (, the film uses a light-hearted musical as a vessel to introduce children to the concept of residential schools and their impact on indigenous people. Set to premiere in Canada on September 30th, 2022 for Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Day. Kelencontent's sales agency is managing global sales rights. For more information contact us here [email protected]


Based on one of the most compelling indigenous legends of all time, SEDNA, EMPRESS OF THE SEA is the story of a courageous young Inuit girl, who is kidnapped by an evil raven, escapes by kayak only to end up at the bottom of the ocean where she becomes the ruler of the sea. Inspired by a story the Directors grandmother told him as a young boy, the film uses a light-hearted musical as a vessel to introduce children to the concept of residential schools and their impact on indigenous people. 

Produced by JerryCo Animation, the world’s # 1 Indigenous 2D Animation Studio.

Kelencontent has worldwide rights and is the exclusive talent management company for JerryCo Animation.