A delightful 2-D animation series for 6-11 year olds that features the ‘Red Caps', Santa's special year-long team of dynamic helpers who are endowed with special powers and help children all over the world to stand up for their rights & take responsibility for our planet. The series will be accompanied by many cross media features such as a series of books, an internet community & games and the 3-D ‘Red Caps' feature film The Magic Crystal.
In Season 1, the magic crystal that helps Santa deliver presents is broken into 26 fragments, scattered around the world. The Red Caps are on a mission to get them back and sets them off on a course filled with with comedy and adventure. The squad members have magic stars that give them very special powers and language translating skills too. They help kids around the world overcome many threats and dangers through courage, imagination, agility and their special sense of humour.
Their motto is: “Make It Snappy!” Every Red Caps mission succeeds when the child hero in each episode discovers his or her hidden talents. The series is also intertwined with global children’s rights issues along with the squad’s ongoing struggle against Santa’s wicked twin brother, Basil. The Squad's main mission throughout the series is to get back the 26 fragments of the Magic Crystal before Basil. Each episode’s adventure is a complete story, yet each is a piece of a puzzle that will be completed only at the end of the series. The Red Caps Squad are friends that children can always count on: they do what they say and they never lie. They believe in themselves and in children, they are intelligent and never use violence. Season 1 contains 26 exciting adventures on 5 continents that will keep audiences captivated and waiting for more. The series is perfect year round as well as for the holiday season.